For a lot of people, getting to a point where they are completely happy with their body shape and overall appearance can take many years, and for some, this imply can't happen until they have altered one or more of their body parts with help from a skilful plastic surgeon. But it is important to remember that an ethical plastic surgery clinic will not simply pander to small insecurities, but will instead spend time understanding each person's reasons and motivations for considering a particular plastic surgery procedure. It is not about stopping people achieving a body or face that they are completely confident with, but is instead about ensuring that each person understands that changing something about their appearance won't necessarily be like waving a magic wand over their self-confidence too.
This is particularly true of liposuction, which should never be performed on those people who can lose excess weight through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. It is not a suitable procedure for obese people as it was never designed to offer a quick weight loss solution, instead it is used to remove excess fatty tissue from those areas of the body from which it is very difficult or impossible to shift. Such areas include the male chest ('man boobs'), thighs, hips, stomachs, chin, arms and back, and a lot of men and women choose to undergo fat removal surgery to achieve a reshaped silhouette.
Liposuction is the right option for many people, but for those who simply need to shed a few pounds or tone up particular areas of the body, it is a drastic option that should not be considered. Dramatic weight loss can leave a person with excess loose skin that has been stretched beyond the point of return, and this can hang in unsightly folds which are impossible to get rid of with exercise. The same is true of many women post-pregnancy, whose abdomens never fully go back to the way they were before they gave birth. For these people, fat removal cosmetic surgery can offer a way to get back to the shape they were in before, shape that would never be achieved by working out and eating healthily.
Another common situation where the liposuction may be recommended is in those man who suffer from gynaecomastia or 'man boobs', a condition which sees often perfectly slim men suffering from a build up of fatty tissue on the chest, giving the appearance of women's breasts. Liposuction can help to reduce the size of these and reshape the chest area, leaving it flat and smooth.
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